The Unintended Consequences of Pulling Friendly Community Cats Conference Session
Targeted trap-neuter-return (TNR) and return-to-field (RTF) programs are becoming the norm in communities across the country, reducing the number of cats admitted to shelters and increasing the number leaving alive. Still, the number of cats killed is more than twice the number of dogs. One remaining challenge is the concerns among some TNR/RTF supporters over "returning friendlies." Although these concerns are well-intentioned, the policy implications can be disastrous for community cats and the people who care for them. This session will discuss why some outdoor cats are sociable and the importance of returning these community cats to their outdoor homes. You'll be given the tools you need to advocate for change at your local shelter.
Speaker: Peter Wolf, Policy and Research Analyst, Best Friends Animal Society
- Community Cat Programs Handbook
- The Dilemma of the Friendly Outdoor Cat, program spotlight
- Community Cats Complaint Mitigation webinar, editorial
- Cat Lifesaving: Community Cat Programming module
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